Friday, April 1, 2011


Product of Korea.
Patented in Korea, US, France, Germany, UK, and Italy.
KFDA and US FDA approved

Purchase 1 set*
Customer Price : $190.00
Member Price   : $159.00
Save $31.

Purchase 2 sets*
Customer Price : $380.00 ($190 each)
Member Price   : $234.00 ($117 each)
Save $73 each.

Purchase 3 sets*
Customer Price : $570.00 ($190 each)
Member Price   : $294.00 ($98 each)
Save $92 each.

Purchase 4 sets*

Customer Price : $760.00 ($190 each)
Member Price   : $352.00 ($88 each)
Save $102 each.

To become a member, it is free, which is beneficial if you purchase more than one. Although, just joining does save you even $31 on a purchase of 1 set.

NK cell activation - An immune cell which is generated in human bone marrow to destroy harmful substances to the body.
Cytokine generation improvement - A type of cell playing the central role in the immune system.
Immune power enhancement - Is the origin to keep health.
Immune cell activation - Improves human body defense capacity.


Improve immunity.

HemoHIM+ is named after Hemoglobin in our blood cells and "HIM" means strength in Korean and + refers to upgraded version of HemoHIM.

Have you ever wondered what you could possibly do for a tired friend or an ill relative?
     Speaking from experience, I have. My grandmother passed away in '09. She had liver cancer which eventually led to multiple systems failure. By the time they had diagnosed her with cancer back in '05, her body was not able to handle chemotherapy or any form of advanced treatment. The doctor had informed us to just make her as comfortable as possible because her time was limited. 
     Looking at this product and the beneficial effects it produces, I look back and wonder how different things could have been. Could this have helped her live a longer life? A more comfortable life? In terms of her health, give her back what she had lost?
So when I think about it now, the one thing I regret the most was not being able to do something.. Something more. When you see someone you love suffer, you cannot help but feel a sense of guilt because even though you may feel they deserve so much more, you can't give it to them.. Because circumstances don't allow it.
     My friend's grandparents are both ill. Of course he feels saddened by the situation, especially when they talk about how tired they are and about how they wish to just give up. I told him what my friend told me.
     I was told this.. "If you really loved someone and cared about their well being, wouldn't you want the best for them? If you had something that could potentially give them another chance at living a better life, wouldn't you want to offer it to them? It's because of your love for a person, you open doors for them, show them opportunities that are normally not as apparent. So, for you, I will open this door. I will introduce you to something extraordinary." The opportunity to change lives, one at a time.. Which will ultimately help more than just the individuals you interact with but with the people they interact with.
     Even though HemoHIM may cost a bit more than the traditional aspirins and medications from the pharmacy, wouldn't you try your hardest to help the people you love in any way possible? If you let it go, and they end up passing away, wouldn't you regret not trying? If you're not willing to go to even that far for your loved ones, how can you call that love? Technically, you can put a price on a human but when it's someone you care about, can you really put a price on their head? The value derived from your actions is not from the monetary value but from the time and effort you put into it. It's not cheap nor is it costly to do something right. It's simply priceless. 

     If you're interested in this particular product, please let me know in an email to further discuss any concerns you may have or just for general information. Send any emails to I will get back to you as soon as possible with a response.

I look forward to reading your comments and/or emails. Thank you very much for reading.

To see larger images, please refer to the reference link.
Reference (Pictures): Atomy HemoHIM

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